Elections Nova Scotia

Pictou West By-election 2024

A by-election was held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in the electoral district of Pictou West.

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on the Proceedings of the Pictou West By-election

The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Nova Scotia, Dorothy Rice, has released the report on the proceedings of the Pictou West by-election held on May 21, 2024. The report was submitted to the House of Assembly in accordance with Section 163 of the Elections Act.

The report provides a summary of the by-election results and detailed statistics on the vote. Financial information on election expenses, candidate reimbursement, election administration costs and financial statistics, will be released at a later date.

Please follow this link to view the Pictou West by-election report.

Pictou West By-election Official Addition

Official addition results for the Pictou West by-election were released on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Marco MacLeod, Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia (PC) was confirmed as the winner for the Pictou West by-election

The final vote count for each candidate is as follows:

Clare Brett, Green Party of Nova Scotia (Green Party) - 82

Melinda MacKenzie, Nova Scotia New Democratic Party (NSNDP) - 949

Marco MacLeod, Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia (PC) – 4,159

Mary Wooldridge-Elliott, Nova Scotia Liberal Party (Liberal) - 548

The total number of ballots cast was 5,781. There were 43 rejected ballots.

Final Spending Limits for the Pictou West By-election

Candidate spending limits in an electoral district are adjusted if there is an increase in number of electors on the Final List of Electors. The final list of electors is now complete for the Pictou West by-election.

The following spending limits and reimbursement amounts are determined according to the Elections Act (updated to include CPI adjustments):

Number of Electors: 12,113 (as of June 7, 2024)

Candidate Spending Limit*: $84,160.53

Maximum Candidate Reimbursement: $23,526.18

Registered Party Spending Limit: $7,773.25

Third Party Maximum Spending in this by-election: $2,716.40

*The candidate spending limit for the Pictou West by-election has been adjusted based on the number of electors on the Final List of Electors as of June 7, 2024.

Financial Reporting Deadlines for the Pictou West By-election

Elections Nova Scotia reminds candidates, registered political parties, and third party advertisers from the Pictou West by-election held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, that financial reports are due in the weeks and months ahead. All reports must be sent to the Chief Electoral Officer.

Candidate tax receipts are due 30 days after election day, June 20, 2024.

Candidate financial reports, including audit reports, are due (80 days after writ) on August 19,2024. It is also important to remember that there are fines of $50 per day for late candidate reports.

Registered party financial reports are due (120 days after Writ) on September 28, 2024.

Third party election advertising reports are due on September 21, 2024.

Pictou West By-election Media Releases

The following media releases were issued during the Pictou West by-election.

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