Elections Nova Scotia

2022-2023 Budget Estimate

Release date: 
January 19, 2022

Elections Nova Scotia Presents 2022-2023 Budget Estimate to the Special Committee of the House of Assembly

Media Release: Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Elections Nova Scotia - On January 18, 2022, Dorothy Rice, the Chief Financial Officer for Elections Nova Scotia (ENS) presented budget estimates of $4.27 million for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to the Special Committee of the House of Assembly that by law, convenes each year to consider the budget submissions of ENS and the Auditor General.

ENS’s budget estimates include $480k of additional funding needed to fulfill the ENS mandate. This includes funding for projects presented to the Special Committee in last year’s budget that were deferred because of the provincial general election in 2021. The estimates also include funding for one by-election and outside legal counsel, plus the incremental funding required by law for registered party payments to be made as a result of the increase in votes cast in the August 17 election.

The Special Committee reviewed ENS’s budget estimates and recommended them without alteration to Treasury and Policy Board to be included in the 2022-2023 provincial budget.

“As an independent office of the House of Assembly, Elections Nova Scotia is charged with upholding Government accountability,” said Dorothy Rice, Chief Financial Officer for Elections Nova Scotia. “Just as Elections Nova Scotia presents our budget estimates to the Special Committee of the House of Assembly, nine of the 13 other election management bodies in this county do the same.”

Please follow these links to view the budget estimates as submitted to the Special Committee and the speaking notes for the Chief Financial Officer.

Elections Nova Scotia is a non-partisan and independent agency responsible for conducting provincial elections. For more information, please visit electionsnovascotia.ca and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @electionsns.

Media Contact:

Naomi Shelton
Director, Policy and Communications
Elections Nova Scotia

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