Elections Nova Scotia

Today is Official Addition day

Release date: 
June 1, 2017

Today is Official Addition day
June 1, 2017

At the completion of official addition, official results will replace preliminary results from election night posted at http://results.electionsnovascotia.ca.

Another release will be sent when the results site has been updated.

Results are based on the official list of electors as of last Sunday May 28th. The final list of electors will be updated in approximately four weeks.

We anticipate publishing poll by poll results online as early as the middle of next week.

Candidates are not officially declared elected until the writ for their electoral district has been completed by the returning officer and returned the writ to the Chief Electoral Officer per section 159 of the Elections Act. All writs may be returned as early as the tenth day following election day (June 9th), and no late than the fourteenth day following election day (June 13th).

Media Contact:          Andy LeBlanc
                               Director, Policy & Communications

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